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I am You AND You are Me!

Have you ever thought about comparison? Something that is so easy to do but is highly complex in its form?

As a Child and a growing adult, I detested being compared with anyone. I did not understand the reason. 

I kept thinking, how can one be compared with another? It is often executed as if it does not matter and is done as a matter of fact! I never understood why it is even done...

One thing I knew was how it made me feel. What implications it can have.

Comparison is a mighty Tool. It often breaks one but at times builds the Craziest ones. The ones it builds end up repeating the "Compare cycle game"

Comparison is not saying, you are not doing or studying or performing like the other person but it is also trying and striving to be like a "PARTICULAR PERSON" 

Why do you want to be someone else? Be a Photocopy? Why not be YOU?

I was often asked, "Who is your Idol? Whom do You follow?" My all-time answer would be "NONE". I say that because there is so much to learn from each and every living being, how can one choose this or that? Why choose this or that in the first place? 

My basic question has always been, "How do you compare" What is your measure of comparing one Human being to another" Or "Compare one living being to another?" It is highly impossible to do so...

Each living being has a journey, struggles, processes, experiences, reactions, and responses to each and every moment of Life they live. Can you compare a Bee with a butterfly? Both Fly, thrive on flowers, yet their journeys are so different.

Basically, we are complex beings but looking for simple and easy solutions. We want to be someone else or be better than someone else, rather than being better complete versions of our own selves. 

Somewhere deep within, we want to escape our reality and live someone else's. The outcome is we become away from our core self and reach a place where we are neither ourselves nor we become what we aspire to be.

When the illusion breaks and reality strikes, our minds open to the fact that, "All we had to do is work towards our self and master what we already have"

This lack of realization creates chaos around us and we start comparing, competing, and judging. In this process, the entire thing gets malignant and reaches a place of no return. We get caught up in an unbreakable web. We stay there forever.

When I compare a living being of any kind with another, I have to live and experience every single nanosecond of that life to understand every aspect of that very life and come back to being ME,  and vice versa. 

In this process for that Moment of experience am I not being the other life and the other life being ME?

When I become You, and You become Me, are we not being a part of shared experiences? Even in this shared experience, with our core identity alive and intact, we still are ourselves and would react and respond to being US.

This thought being so complex, is it worth comparing one life with another? Is comparison in itself Easy?

 Is it NECESSARY in the first place? I leave that to my readers to think!


Lavanya M Rao


Place: Bangalore

© Copyright 
All Rights reserved Lavanya M Rao


Anonymous said…
Wonderfully Written!
Anonymous said…

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