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A city full of opportunities or a city full of dreams…some fulfilled and some unfulfilled.
A city that give one so much but takes a lot away from one self..
A place where one will find living souls in numbers but yet so lonely….
A city which is so much close to the heart but yet so distant…

A Small universe in itself that would drive anyone crazy….
A place where you find stars glittering on earth…
The only city in the country that is always wide awake and no sleep.

A rush that wherein one can easily be lost forever and never found.
A maddening crowd that always has a smile but eyes ever in search of something….
Eyes that are longing for unknown,the lost dreams,saddening and weary….
A city which is ever helpful in need like a true friend at the same time is a complete stranger….
A metropolitan wHere one has time for everything but still no time for oneself…..

This is the Mumbai that i saw and felt through my eyes and soul…
At such times is when i remember ….

© Copyright 
All Rights reserved Lavanya M Rao


luckoo said…
thats true. if you have lived in Mumbai, you just cannot live anywhere else. Its a magnet. Even if you stay in Newyork u will miss Mumbai. Thats what it is.

Unknown said…
very gud article.
Unknown said…
very good article.......

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